Project management has gone through big improvements in the last decade or two. New tech advances and communication protocols have meant that organizations can now step into the 21st Century in style and take their project management to the next step.
As was the case in 2021, Project Management is expected to go through significant improvements in 2022. 2022 is expected to be the year of change, with massive changes expected to transpire in the domain.
Many of the trends around us today have the potential to disrupt the entire project management domain as a whole. In this article, we take a look at some of the project management trends in 2022. The year to come is expected to bring in numerous changes and will open doors of opportunities for organizations.
Fully Remote Project Teams
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced many organizations into reconsidering their policies for work from home. Organizations that were reluctant towards remote work in the past are now willing to step into the model based on the benefits that they experienced during the recent pandemic.
The COVID-19 pandemic saw organizations introduce reluctant work from home measures and work on technologies that could facilitate the shift to home. Organizations that already had work-from-home techniques in place easily moved into the new normal, but organizations that didn’t have a proper setup in place faced hindrances in doing so.

Project managers were able to work flawlessly despite the disruption and were able to give the output that was expected of them. Perhaps the biggest advantage of remote work in project management is that organizations can now hire diverse talent from literally all over the globe.
Organizations were previously restricted to project management teams located in the geographical region close to them but can now experiment to reach new heights and open new doors.
The rise of remote work is continued to grow further in 2022, with this year proving to be one where organizations consciously choose remote work or a hybrid model. While previously organizations were forced into choosing remote work as an obligation, they will now move towards remote working protocols as something they can consciously choose.
The introduction of remote work will, however, bring a unique challenge for project managers. Project managers will realize that managing remote teams can be more complex and challenging than managing in-house teams. Communication holds the key here, as good communication can help drive results forward and give positive outcomes.
Increased Dependency on Tools and Techniques
Project management includes risk management as an important sub-facet. Project managers are required to meet organizational objectives without neglecting the risks involved in the process. Ever since the increase in the scope of project management, we now have numerous activities and processes that come under the typical description of a project manager.
Project management tools and technologies are bound to develop further in 2022, and the dependency project managers have on them is expected to become even greater. We already have a number of tools and techniques in place for project managers to work with. Using important tools and techniques will allow project managers to meet key objectives and drive value forward.
The rise of AI and machine learning are also bound to drive our dependency on project management tools and technologies. The increasing amount of data makes for an even more interesting use case.
Collaboration is the Key
The true transformation of project management from being reliant on face-to-face communication to online remote work is expected to pick up pace this year. In consideration of these changes, collaboration is expected to take center stage and lead the change forward.

Project managers heavily rely on online tools and techniques for coordination and collaboration, and this is expected to grow further during the coming years. Remote work will allow project managers to focus on collaboration across the board and use tech resources that assure collaboration and coordination, regardless of the working mechanism being followed.
With the new remote work protocols in place, employees are mostly working from home. Organizations have freelance employees working from literally all over the world, and there is a dearth of proper communication between all stakeholders.
With the right collaboration tools, organizations can drive communication forward and ensure proper collaboration. The right communication tool will help organizations leverage the benefits of work from home to drive results forward.
Greater Focus on Soft Skills
The year 2022 is expected to see a greater focus on soft skills. Project managers require expertise in certain areas to improve their skills. However, without the right use of soft skills, project managers aren’t able to get the results they require.
To begin with, project managers should know how to communicate expectations to employees and should show soft skills such as decision making, leadership and empathy. Displaying these skills will help make settling into the new norms easier and will develop a positive work culture where projects prosper.
Emphasis on Mental Health
Employee retention will be a must for project managers and organizations in 2022, which is why there will be a greater emphasis on the mental health of employees. The COVID-19 pandemic has put people through an endless labyrinth of mental stress, and it is time that employees today realize the importance of emphasizing mental health over everything else.
Project managers can make work smoother for team members by following a number of tips and techniques. To start with, project managers can ensure that team members aren’t pressured into work and are able to operate in an environment conducive to productivity.
The world of project management is changing around us and 2022 is expected to bring in some new trends. You can visit our blog to learn more about these trends in detail.